Life Changing modalities

Experts at SwitchNov are highly trained professionals and offer Transformational Therapy, Coaching and Training.

We help you understand what is right for you and how you can achieve the results you want, quickly as possible. As our tag line suggests, be believe in creating Profound Lasting Transformation.

If you feel like you need to change something in your life, and can’t decide how, we’re here to help! It takes courage and it’s normal.

Leave it to us to assess and choose the right modality for you!

Counselling and Therapy

Counselling and Therapy

SwitchNov’s unique formula has worked wonders with individuals from ages 5 to 65 years.

We are proud to say that we have changed the lives of many people with our unique formula with outstanding results.

Our work is a culmination of cumulatively 20+ years of therapy work using CBT, NLP and Hypnotherapy.

We begin with a proper psychological assessment and use individually tailored methods to achieve extraordinary results for our clients.

Transformational Therapy

Transformational Therapy

Having coached over 6000+ individuals we have devised our own unique way to get results through transformational coaching, where therapy is not required.

This powerful journey of self-discovery and exploration helps you become more aligned and aware of your purpose and goals.

Through Transformational Coaching, you will uncover your true “why,” and then work with us to co-create a detailed plan to make sure your beliefs and actions are aligned with that purpose, leading you to achieve your goals, step by step, without fretting about losing track of what you need to do when you face challenges or road blocks.

SwitchNov’s coaching is customized to each individual person we work with and fully depends on your specific situation and what you want to get out of our time together.

Whatever your unique goals are, we’ll work on removing limiting beliefs, rewiring any negative thought-patterns holding you back; as we uncover what’s truly standing in the way of your ambitions and figure out what it’s going to take to get you to where you want to be, we will your longstanding accountability partners, gently nudging you ahead to take massive action in the direction of your goals without being overwhelmed.

Our approach is holistic, and with our expertise, while we get you to take Massive Action towards your goal, we’ll ensure that you are not inundated with work but have the time for friends, family and your hobbies.

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy®, developed by Marisa Peer, embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients and goes beyond traditional hypnotherapy.

RTT® does not rely solely on positive reinforcement and serves as more of a reinforcement of breakthroughs rather than the catalyst.

Through the use of RTT® we at SwitchNov create incredible breakthroughs within a short span of time.

RTT® is a quick method for those who have limited time or access to therapy.

With one to three sessions with the RTT® practitioner, the client is good to go and manage on their own!

During the first session, you receive a completely personalized audio recording of your RTT® session, which you then listen to for 21 consecutive days to overcome your specific challenge.

Be sure to be blown away when you look back at the results you’ve achieved over your Transformational Coaching Progression!